Les Brown was born in a low income Miami, Florida region along with his twin brother, Wes. Both Les and Wes were followed as babies by Mamie Brown, a single woman with little schooling and money, yet a beneficiant heart. In his school years, Les limitless energy led to poor grades. His classmates and teachers thought of him as a slow learner, which crippled his self esteem. Though he had no formal schooling after highschool, Les Browns patience and backbone catapulted him to greatness. He easily learned how to harness his own human knowledge, and he invariably shows others how they can harness their own. Hydropower is considered to be very safe as in comparison to fossil fuel programs andnuclear since they don’t bring about case study answer liberate of emissions or waste and alsodo not lead to thermal degradation of water. In building case study solution hydro power dam typically calls for case study solution diversion of case study answer water atan latest waterfall or case study answer introduction of a reservoir. The diversion of awaterfall won’t cause issues as case study answer water is eventually published to thesame water course. However, case study solution hydro power dam could posse many issues. Itcould serve as an impediment for free flow of fisheries and likewise result inthe displacement of area people. Environmentalistsare also concerned that case study solution dams could result in methane losses from decomposingdrowned plants and ecosystems flooding.