“The U. S. Department of Transportation requires all tires sold in case study solution United States to have a code stamped on them. The code looks like this: DOT XX XX XXX XXX. The first two letters or a letter and a bunch after DOT imply case study solution agency and case study solution plant where case study answer tire was manufactured. For example, if case study solution code started DOT BE, it suggests case study answer tire is made by B. It is feasible that if our Board of Directorsincluded impartial administrators and if we were to adopt some or all of those corporate governance measures, stockholders wouldbenefit from slightly greater assurance that inner corporate decisions were being made by disinterested directors and thatpolicies were applied to define responsible behavior. For example, in case study answer absence of audit, nominating and compensationcommittees made out of at the least a majority of independent directors, selections regarding matters inclusive of repayment packagesto our senior officials and suggestions for director nominee may be made by a majority of directors who have an interest inthe outcomes of case study answer concerns being decided. Prospective buyers should bear in mind our current loss of corporate governance measuresin formulating their funding decisions. To manage our possiblefuture growth quite simply, we might be required to continue to support our operational, economic and management techniques. Futuregrowth would also require us to effectively hire, train, encourage and manage our personnel. In addition, our persevered growthand case study solution evolution of our business plan would require tremendous additional control, technical and administrative substances.