BUTTERFIELDIn 1880, Young sought economic backing to expand his business from Colonel F. D. Butterfield, of Derby Line. The two formed a partnership, and purchased a wooden building on Foundry Hill in Rock Island, where they set up shop and hired some gifted employees, including George Reece, who would later invent case study solution Reece die. Butterfields grew regularly, and case study answer agency multiplied both its clientele and its products, which in a brief time included an intensive line of metal cutting tools, adding taps, dies, drills, screw plates, and reamers. The company prospered, and after many years, relocated down case study answer hill to its new area at once on case study solution border. Give a verbal caution, a written warning including a notice to case study solution parent/caregiver, and if it occurs again a suspension from case study solution program for a week. If case study answer child does not stop then which you could elevate this with an extended suspension from case study answer application. You can also require case study solution parent to sit in case study answer software with their child for a few weeks. Also, respect that case study solution behaviour case study answer child is showing may be signals of abuse. If you spot a sample, make sure to notify Child and Family Services. If there is a 3 5 year age distinction among case study solution two children concerned we’d suggest you also touch Child and Family Services and ask what your legal duty is in this situation.