Among case study solution company governance measures thatare required under case study answer rules of national securities exchanges are those who address board of directors independence, auditcommittee oversight, and case study answer adoption of a code of ethics. Our Board of Directors is created from two americans, one of whomis also our govt officer. Although our independent director oversees all huge company concerns reminiscent of case study solution approvalof terms of case study answer reimbursement of our govt officers and case study answer oversight of case study solution accounting functions, our Chief Executive Officercurrently owns a majority of our stock, that could enable him to elect an alternative director in case study answer place of our independent director. Althoughwe have adopted a Code of Ethical Conduct, we haven’t yet adopted any of these other corporate governance measures and sinceour securities are not yet listed on a national securities exchange, we are not required to do so. We have not followed corporategovernance measures corresponding to an audit or other unbiased committees of our board of directors as we shortly haven’t got a majorityindependent administrators on our board. If we expand our board club in future periods to consist of additional impartial directors,we may seek to establish an audit and other committees of our board of administrators.