Productivity and leisure time also are increased as people can send and obtain e mails, update their social status, conduct analysis, or watch a film all while ready at case study solution airport or standing in line at case study solution coffee shop Shukla, 2011. We are entering case study solution era when case study answer mobile employee has become case study solution ordinary worker in place of case study answer exception. One recent survey found that 81% of worldwide executives use a mobile device, and analyst firm IDC estimates that there can be 1 billion mobile employees by 2011, adding nearly 75% of case study solution US workforce. Although mobile devices offer ways to be effective without an Internet connection reminiscent of by tracking appointments and reminders, creating files and taking notes, capturing photos or videos, and listening to music; an Internet connection offers case study solution potential to access and share advice at anytime from almost any place. Many program functions used for productivity and enjoyment also are limited or unusable with out an Internet connection. Some examples are Microsoft Offices templates, e mail applications which require Internet access to download new mail or send mail, music and video streaming program such as Apples iTunes which calls for online access to download new content material and anti virus programs corresponding to Norton that download essential updates from online repositories.