This version of CFO Insights synthesizes key lessons discovered from those interviews when it comes to what audit committees generally want from their CFOs. 1. No surprises: One of case study solution most typical phrases we hear from audit chairs is, I want no surprises. While surprises are commonly inevitable in case study answer course of enterprise, audit chairs and committees want case study solution CFO to manage case study answer avoidable issues and inform them in a timely way when case study solution unexpected occurs. 2. Strong partnering with case study answer CEO and other leaders: Audit committees and case study solution overall board want to see a CFO who conveniently companions with case study answer CEO and other key business leaders. One of such crucial case is Re Guidezone Ltd BCLC 321 , where case study solution rules or terms of case study answer preparations between case study solution events are being used in manner equity would regard as unconscionable or contrary to good faith . Mere loss of trust and self assurance alone may not be enough to afford a remedy under s 459 and a mere want to exit case study answer agency at will, will not. case study answer example of case study answer case illustrates and implies one single thing and that is before Model Articles, Table A was there, and articles of association could do much difference to case study answer minority protection or shareholders coverage. It is quite a controversy which is dependent upon case to case and it is purely goal in nature. There are starting to be numbers of cases concerning alternation of articles and which raised case study answer issue of phase 994 of Companies Act 2006. In spite of having model articles or Table A Articles, shareholder may bring an action if there is a mismanagement of case study answer enterprise affairs of a corporation which in precept amount to unfairly prejudicial conduct of these affairs for case study solution sake of phase 994.